Title Page + Opening Spread

Text Heavy Page

Alternative Layout

Three Page Spread
There was more copy then the original concept would allow for. I decided to add a gate-fold and modify
the design of the book; this allowed for additional "breathing room". This alternative layout permitted the creation
of a donation page that was not originally part of the spread. (see donation page below this section)
the design of the book; this allowed for additional "breathing room". This alternative layout permitted the creation
of a donation page that was not originally part of the spread. (see donation page below this section)

Donation Page
The donation page is on the back of the April three page gate-fold pull out. This allowed for an increased opportunity
for donations simply by tearing along the perforation and mailing it in. If someone is concerned about losing the music event information on the back of the donation form, they can simply mark it on the April calendar or see the "Events At a Glance"
page at the front of the booklet.
for donations simply by tearing along the perforation and mailing it in. If someone is concerned about losing the music event information on the back of the donation form, they can simply mark it on the April calendar or see the "Events At a Glance"
page at the front of the booklet.